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Proyecto de Formación Musical (2021-2022), three instrumentalists have been accepted at conservatories in France and Germany: clarinetist and saxophonist Edgar Parra Torres (Pierre Cochereau Regional Conservatory of Nice, France), violinist Eros Padrón Quijada (Versailles Regional Conservatory, France), and guitarist Sebastián González (Robert Schumann Conservatory in Düsseldorf, Germany).

Edgar Parra Torres says: “The daily work at the Music Residence has confirmed to me that training must be integral, that musical work is daily and constant…”. In the picture, with renowned clarinetist and teacher Michel Lethiec and student Jeanne Schuler, at the Pierre Cochereau Regional Conservatory in Nice, France.

“I discovered that through music I can reach the human soul. Music is life and that is why I have dedicated myself to it. I learned to play the violin in the National System of Orchestras and Youth and Children’s Choirs of Venezuela”, says Eros Padrón Quijada, pictured here during a practice session at the Regional Conservatory of Versailles, France.

Although he was also accepted by the University of Cologne, Sebastián González chose to continue his studies at the Robert Schumann Conservatory in Düsseldorf because, as he admits, “there is a teacher there whom I have admired for a long time, because he is an exceptional interpreter and also a renowned pedagogue: Joaquín Clerch”, with whom he is pictured here.

In partnership with the Conservatorio de Música y Danza Alberto Requena, we have begun the second phase of the Proyecto de Formación Musical (2022-2023), providing comprehensive support to nine young musicians from the island of Margarita to continue their musical studies, with the goal of preparing them to enter national and international conservatories. The selected students are taught by Maestros Gustavo Ojeda and Esteban Ojeda.
Maestro Esteban Ojeda, who teaches classical guitar, and students Gabriel León and Sofía Vargas, scholarship holders of the second phase of the Proyecto de Formación Musical during a concert at the Serpentina Foundation, a center for the promotion of Venezuelan art located in La Asunción, Margarita Island.

Cristian Sojo, César Cedeño, Marco Parra, Arturo Arrocha y José Molina, students of the Modern Harmony, Composition and Arrangement class taught by Maestro Gustavo Ojeda at the Conservatorio de Música y Danza Alberto Requena.

Maestro Esteban Ojeda, who teaches classical guitar, and students Gabriel León and Sofía Vargas, scholarship holders of the second phase of the Proyecto de Formación Musical during a concert at the Serpentina Foundation, a center for the promotion of Venezuelan art located in La Asunción, Margarita Island.
Cristian Sojo, César Cedeño, Marco Parra, Arturo Arrocha y José Molina, students of the Modern Harmony, Composition and Arrangement class taught by Maestro Gustavo Ojeda at the Conservatorio de Música y Danza Alberto Requena.
Cristian Sojo
Arturo Arrocha

Cristian Sojo 

Arturo Arrocha

Maestro Gustavo Ojeda (center), professor of Modern Harmony, Composition and Arrangement, accompanied, from left to right, by percussionist Tahiri Goncalves, scholarship recipients Andrés Lemoine, Cristian Sojo, José Molina and César Cedeño; Carmen Julieta Centeno, president of the ArtesanoGroup Foundation and Artesano Global Foundation; scholarship recipients Marco Parra and Arturo Arrocha, and Leiry Centeno, coordinator of the Music Education Project.
Learning and teaching at the same time is part of the essence of the Conservatorio de Música y Danza Alberto Requena, teaches a cuatro class to children from the Proyecto Integral de Seguridad Alimentaria y Medios de Vida.


Master potter Juan José Bermúdez and his apprentices work hand in hand on the restoration of the school.
The hands that turn clay into pottery are the same hands that renovate and repair the school.
The school’s renovation project aims to create conditions for commercialization, so spaces have been provided for the exhibition of products.
Although for centuries the making of pottery in El Cercado was a women’s business, today it is increasingly common to see men involved in this activity. Pictured here is Jaime Valderrama in his workshop.
Juan José Bermúdez, born in 1999, was introduced to the craft at the age of 12 by his aunt, Emma Bermúdez. He belongs to the fifth generation of potters, reflecting the deep-rootedness of this tradition in the families of El Cercado.
With the participation of new generations, the pottery of El Cercado has a future. On the left, José Agustín Bermúdez; on the right, Juan Pablo Martínez.
Master potter Juan José Bermúdez and his apprentices work hand in hand on the restoration of the school.
The hands that turn clay into pottery are the same hands that renovate and repair the school.
The school's renovation project aims to create conditions for commercialization, so spaces have been provided for the exhibition of products. In addition, consulting services will be provided to optimize marketing strategies so that artisans can improve their sales.
Juan José Bermúdez, born in 1999, was introduced to the craft at the age of 12 by his aunt, Emma Bermúdez. He belongs to the fifth generation of potters, reflecting the deep-rootedness of this tradition in the families of El Cercado.
Although for centuries the making of pottery in El Cercado was a women's business, today it is increasingly common to see men involved in this activity. Pictured here is Jaime Valderrama in his workshop.
With the participation of new generations, the pottery of El Cercado has a future. José Agustín Bermúdez.
Juan Pablo Martínez.


Clarinetist and saxophonist Edgar Parra, a recipient of the Music Education Project scholarship, teaches the children an introductory music class.
Interns Eros Padrón, violinist, and Edgar Parra, clarinetist and saxophonist, interact with the children of the food project.
The young musicians performed a Christmas concert, first as soloists and then as an ensemble.
Educating children on the importance of caring for our planet is the aim of this approach to natural environments. In the photograph, Edgar Parra, a clarinetist and saxophonist and resident of the Music Education Project, can be seen sharing with a child during the activity.
“Trazo meditative” (meditational lines) workshop taught by artist Mónica Ferreres. This technique consists of meditating while drawing, achieving optical effects and enjoying the creative process
Drummer, cajon player and singer Tahiri Goncalves during the Musical Initiation and Percussion Workshop she taught at the headquarters of the ArtesanoGroup Foundation.
The children enthusiastically follow and participate in the musical initiation and percussion workshop taught by Tahiri Goncalves.
The agenda of activities set up for the children included a visit to the Escuela Taller de Cerámica El Cercado, where they learned about this craft tradition.
During a visit to the Escuela Taller de Cerámica El Cercado, led by master potter Juan José Bermúdez, children learn the traditional turning technique in a fun way.
Clarinetist and saxophonist Edgar Parra, a recipient of the Music Education Project scholarship, teaches the children an introductory music class.
Interns Eros Padrón, violinist, and Edgar Parra, clarinetist and saxophonist, interact with the children of the food project.
Students from the Conservatorio de Música y Danza Alberto Requena, along with their music initiation teacher, Gabriela Ojeda, visited the headquarters of the Food Project.
Educating children on the importance of caring for our planet is the aim of this approach to natural environments. In the photograph, Edgar Parra, a clarinetist and saxophonist and resident of the Music Education Project, can be seen sharing with a child during the activity.
“Trazo meditative” (meditational lines) workshop taught by artist Mónica Ferreres. This technique consists of meditating while drawing, achieving optical effects and enjoying the creative process.
The children enthusiastically follow and participate in the musical initiation and percussion workshop taught by Tahiri Goncalves.
Drummer, cajon player and singer Tahiri Goncalves during the Musical Initiation and Percussion Workshop she taught at the headquarters of the ArtesanoGroup Foundation.
The agenda of activities set up for the children included a visit to the Escuela Taller de Cerámica El Cercado, where they learned about this craft tradition
During a visit to the Escuela Taller de Cerámica El Cercado, led by master potter Juan José Bermúdez, children learn the traditional turning technique in a fun way.